Who are we?
- Pasifika Against Coronavirus is a community-led action group inspired to help protect Pasifika communities from the spread of coronavirus and to strengthen the resilience of Pasifika families to navigate the changing local and global environment.
- We are collaborating with the Pacific Leadership Forum (PLF) who represent a network of Pasifika church and community leaders across New Zealand. Together we unite in the battle against coronavirus for the wellbeing and livelihood of Pasifika families and future generations.
What do we do?
- We aim to equip and support Pasifika communities with meaningful information and Pasifika stories:
- To protect against the spread of coronavirus
- To facilitate community connection and wellbeing
- To adapt to a changing environment and way of life
- To strengthen Pasifika cultural values and identity
Unite against Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Wash your hands
Wash often. Use soap. 20 seconds. Then dry. This kills the virus by bursting its protective bubble.
Coughing and Sneezing
Coughing or sneezing into your elbow catches the droplets and stops them getting onto your hands.
Cleaning surfaces
Be extra vigilant when cleaning – clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs.
Be kind to everyone
Make a difference by supporting friends, neighbours and whānau, especially the elderly and vulnerable.
Village Series – Our Stories
Talanoa Live with TOFIGA
Testing Positive – Video messages from our community
Help & Advice for our Pasifika community
What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to a range of other illnesses such as influenza and do not necessarily mean that you have COVID-19. Symptoms include:
- fever
- coughing
- difficulty breathing.
Difficulty breathing is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention.
If you have these symptoms please contact Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 (or international +64 9 358 5453) or your doctor immediately. Call your doctor before visiting.
What does Alert Level 4 mean?
This will save lives. You must stay home.
Level 4 measures include:
- anyone not involved in essential work, needs to stay at home
- educational facilities are now closed
- businesses are closed, except for essential services like supermarkets, pharmacies and clinics, and lifeline utilities.
You must reside at the same place for the duration of the time New Zealand is at Alert Level 4. Where you stayed on the evening of Wednesday 25 March is where you must remain.
You must only be in physical contact with those you are living with.
It is likely Level 4 measures will stay in place for a number of weeks.
Remember, what you do now, will affect all of us.
Why is this happening?
If you don’t follow these rules, and you visit a friend’s house or see a family member for lunch, you risk spreading COVID-19 and extending everyone’s time in isolation at Level 4.
We have a window of opportunity and we need your support to protect New Zealand and eradicate COVID-19.
Why has a state of national emergency been declared?
The state of national emergency declaration allows the Director of Civil Defence Emergency Management to direct and coordinate personnel, material and other resources made available, and provides access to powers that would not normally be available, but will be needed to manage the ongoing response. This is an enhancement to the current COVID-19 response arrangements.
Can I leave my house?
If you leave your home, keep a 2-metre distance from other people at all times. When you return home from being in public, thoroughly wash your hands. Stopping physical contact with people outside your household is the single most important thing we can do right now to stop further community transmission.
Be kind. People may want to act as enforcers of others, but report any concerns to the correct authorities by calling Police on 105 or filling out their online form.
Online form on the Police 105 website(external link)(external link)(external link)
See more information on staying at home
If you have recently returned from overseas, are displaying symptoms or have been tested for COVID-19, you must instead self-isolate and should not leave your house.
Can I use my car?
Personal walks and other active travel like cycling or scootering, is fine, provided you keep a 2-metre distance from anybody outside of your household. Stick to simple outdoor exercise and avoid areas where you can get injured or lost. It’s important the emergency services remain available to support the response to COVID-19.
Remember, any unnecessary travel may spread COVID-19.
What are essential services?
Will public transport continue?
Public transport and domestic air travel is restricted to those involved in essential services, medical reasons and freight.
International air travel is permitted in some cases for people to leave the country and to get home to self-isolate.
Ferry services, road and rail will continue to transport essential goods.
Driving in private vehicles is allowed, but only with people in your household who you are self-isolating with.
Where can I get financial support?
- a wage subsidy scheme (previous cap of $150,000 per business removed)
- leave and self-isolation support
- business cash flow and tax measures
- mortgage repayment holiday scheme for 6 months – via retail banks
- business finance guarantee scheme.
Your usual financial support, such as benefits, will continue.
Find out more about COVID-19 support on the Work and Income website
How can I get food and supplies at Alert Level 4?
You can arrange to have your shopping delivered, or have family, friends or neighbours drop off food or groceries. You just need to ask them to leave these at the door, rather than come in. Drop offs at the door (rather than coming in) will protect them from exposure to COVID-19.
If visiting a store in person, you must retain social distancing of 2 metres, and wash your hands before and after visiting.
Can children in shared custody go between households?
Generally, children in the same communities can continue to go between their homes. Simple precautions should be taken to protect the health of parents and children. This includes parents from different households keeping a distance of more than 2 metres.
If the families are in different towns or communities, then the children should stay in one home. Children should also stay in one home if they’re feeling unwell, or if someone in their home is unwell or has been overseas in the last 14 days. This will protect the health of parents, caregivers and children.
More information is available at the District Courts website
Can I get a tradesperson to do essential maintenance on my house?
I’m feeling stressed, who can I talk to?
For support with grief, anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can also call or text the ‘Need to talk?’ service on 1737. This service is free, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and gives you the chance to talk it through with a trained counsellor.